I had a few transcendent experiences as a kid and have been searching for their source ever since through dreams, meditation and my arts. What I call my aura paintings are intended to bring the messages, healings and energies of the spirit worlds into our waking lives.

My flora photographs reflect the organic nuance and symmetries we often absently overlook in our busy days.

.These spatial meditations are intended as echo-free oases, offering sanctuary from the chattering conflicts of personal and world events. The colors range from contemplative to bright, and resonate with each other so the dynamic between them feels naturally symbiotic.
In Situ

My arts on walls and various print media.
Objects Concepts Events
In the summer of 1983 my dog dug up our childhood sandbox and I realized if I didn’t take some sand right then, the grass would grow back and that remnant of our childhood would again disappear into history. So I collected some in a coffee can and sifted out the debris, leaving a silky mound of sand our young hands had so often played in. Although I’d collected remnants before, this was the start of Objects Concepts Events (OCE) as a project.

I believe we live countless lifetimes in an infinite number of worlds and bodies, some very similar to those we know, some very different. We live as men and women, kids and elders, animals, vegetables, minerals, crystals, atoms, teardrops, all sorts of aliens, shafts of light, particles of dust, bursts of insight, molecules of ancient air, worms and lightning storms, trees and bumble bees. And we visit them all in our dreams.

What I find in newspapers invariably blends to a blur of inescapably shocking and spurious facts, lies, spin and absurdities. This series from the mid-90s represents some of the impressions I’m left with after reading the news of the day.

.I draw spontaneous reactions to the content I’m reading in the margins of my books; something we can’t do in digital books. Much of what I read is astounding, miraculous, unbelievable, shocking, inspiring and heartbreaking. Mixed in are the moods and thoughts and dreams of my own daily life. I use pencil so whomever inherits the books I’ve drawn in can erase them if they wish. My projects are ongoing but my posting is erratic.